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  2魔法使いの月うさぎ 心の絆創膏    Magic Heart Pluster

魔法使いの月うさぎ 心の絆創膏

休み時間になると、習った魔法で みんなにいたずらをします。

月うさは 鼻をピクピク!

月うさは 鼻をピクピク!






「う〜ん・・・がっこうのもんたせんせいはこころのきずは ばんそうこうだといってたけどな。。ぽえむとかいうむずかしいことばだから、おいらわからないよ〜。
「あした まちのくすりやさんとびょういんに行ってみようよ!」

つぎのひ つきうさとぽんたは町へ行きました。






「ふふふ(笑)月うさも やっと魔法の使い方が分かったみたいだね。



「ほら、ごらん! こころのばんそうこうはあいにかわって、ほしにかわって、よぞらでたくさんひかっているよ!」


000  Magic Heart Plaster  Eva Ostensen Narrated



0010  On the Moon there is a little rabbit called Bunny. She goes to the School of Magic every day.


0020  During the breaks, she tries out her magic tricks on her friends.

0021 But Grandma keeps an eye on her.


0030  Oh, your colour is no good for a little rabbit she might say to one of them. t fits a mouse much better


0040  And she would twitch her nose and turn her friend into a mouse, who ran home crying, because he didn like to be harassed.


0050  Then Bunny would tease another of her classmates. ou are white with black spots.


0060  Change into a cow.


0070  Bunny twitched her nose again.


0080  Bunny was pleased when she made the others cry, but her classmates hated it.


0081  She could bully them like this, because the others could do no such tricks yet.


0090  Bunny grandmother was a clever witch. She couldn accept the way her granddaughter was behaving.


0100  She sent Bunny to planet Earth, hoping that she would find out about her faults on her own.


0110  All of a sudden, Bunny was in a classroom, filled with pupils. She didn know any of them, and nobody knew her.


0120  here do you come from? Your fur has such a strange, pink colour!


0130  "Go away!The others turned their backs on her because she was different.


0140  Bunny was left alone in an empty corner of the playground.  She was sad, and she wept.


0150  Bunny old friend Ponta, the raccoon, appeared. ong time, no see! Why are you crying?


0160  Bunny told Ponta that she used to bully her friends on the moon. Her grandmother had punished her for it, by sending her to the Earth alone. Her new classmates were just as bad as she used to be they taunted her and turned away from her.


0170  Bunny said ow I know how bad it is to be bullied and laughed at. I have been a jerk. I am so sorry. 


0180  When I think about what I did to my friends on the Moon, I feel heartbroken.


0190  Ponta pondered ow can we heal a broken heart? When I skin my knee, I always put a plaster on.


0200  Let try that first on your heart too.But the pain did not go away.


0210  Next day, Bunny and Ponta went to all the doctors, hospitals and pharmacies in town, but nowhere could they find a medicine that could heal the pain in Bunny heart.


0220  feel so bad about my bullying.Ponta wondered, id you ever tell them you were sorry? Did you ask them to forgive you?


0230  Bunny replied in a sad voice,No. I didn realize how stupid I was until I came here.Her heart began to ache again.


0240  Ponta advised Bunny to shout her apology loud and clear, so that her friends on the Moon could hear her. He would help her shout.


0250  lease forgive me for all my teasing and stupid spells!


0260  "Sorry! I won do it again. That a promise!"


0270  "Please, don be angry at me anymore!


0280  Used plasters started flying from the Moon. t worked! They heard you!Ponta exclaimed. hey have forgiven you, and now their hearts have mended.


0290  Bunny said ut I still have a little heartache.Yeah,Ponta nodded.That because nobody here on Earth has regretted bullying you yet. That scar may never go away.


0300  Bunny and Ponta heard grandma mumble, unny seems to have learnt her lesson. You need to be nice to others, for them to be nice to you too. That is the true magic that she learned on her visit to the Earth. 


0310  When she makes sincere apologies for her wrong doing, and is forgiven, only then can she be happy again.


0320  Grandma turned all the used sorry-plasters into stars that shine for us in the night sky.


0330  The end.